Puzzle is a social cooperative enterprise founded in 2015. We work tirelessly for the social inclusion and support of people with disabilities, focusing on improving quality of life through education, counselling and innovative programmes.

Address: 8 Naiadonon Street, Athens 11634
Telephone: 211 0128379

Parenting Together

Based on the success of the ELPIDA, the main objective of this project was to improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities (PWD)) by empowering family members, especially parents of people with disabilities, and raising their awareness of how best to support the needs of children and young adults with intellectual disabilities.

To achieve this goal, an e-learning platform was created which provides interactive training modules covering the main areas where families of people with disabilities have been identified as needing training, awareness raising and/or attitude change.

The modules cover issues that pose the main challenges in the lives of families with disabilities, with special emphasis on younger children:

  • The road to diagnosis
  • Working with professionals and developing in-house
  • Inclusive and specialised training options
  • Universal design
  • Integrating family and community
  • Well-being of parents

In addition, other intellectual products were developed over the 30 months, such as a case management system manual for practitioners and a training and guidance framework for parent and peer supporters, as well as an advocacy toolkit to enable policy-supported implementation.



The Parenting Together project was funded by ERASMUS+ and implemented between 2020 and 2023. In this project, apart from Puzzle, the following participated:

Kincs O Alapitvany (Hungary)


Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (Crete)

Pais-em-Rede, Associação (Portugal)

Parenting Together