Puzzle is a social cooperative enterprise founded in 2015. We work tirelessly for the social inclusion and support of people with disabilities, focusing on improving quality of life through education, counselling and innovative programmes.

Address: 8 Naiadonon Street, Athens 11634
Telephone: 211 0128379


The project is about simple and accessible information - Easy Language. The objectives of this project are:

- To conduct research and develop guidelines on the importance of good quality Easy Language (EL) texts and how one can create such texts.

- The development of three training modules for professionals/service providers on how to create texts in Easy Language.

- Pilot implementation of the training modules through 2 sessions of trainer training.

To achieve the above, a number of activities will be carried out such as desk research, collaboration on the development of training modules, certification and testing

of the training modules and publicity actions with the results of the project.

The Easy, Accessible, Simple and Effective (E.A.S.E) project was funded by Erasmus+ and implemented in 2024. In this project, apart from Puzzle, the participants were:


Cyprus Certification Society (Cyprus)

Boarve konsult AB (Sweden)