Puzzle is a social cooperative enterprise founded in 2015. We work tirelessly for the social inclusion and support of people with disabilities, focusing on improving quality of life through education, counselling and innovative programmes.
INCLUJOBS workshop R3 report

WORKSHOP OF RESULT 3Toolkit for job search with Intellectual Disabilities
The IncluJobs training session aimed to introduce to the participants tools that enhance employment inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The primary focus was on the IncluJobs card-based board game and supplementary materials found in the IncluJobs Toolkit, including a methodology for job simulations, detailed sector-specific job descriptions, and an interactive card game.

- Brief introduction to IncluJobs, outlining its goal to bridge employment gaps through accessible training resources and inclusive employment support.
- IncluJobs Board Game Presentation.
- Demonstration of the 129-card game aligned with various job descriptions. This interactive tool helps users practice essential skills in a team-oriented environment, building familiarity with workplace expectations.
- Supported Employment Manuals with structured guidance on integrating individuals with intellectual disabilities into various roles.
- Case studies showing how Easy Language promotes inclusivity in work settings.
- The participants found the card game especially valuable for its practical, hands-on approach, which allowed them to simulate real-world job situations in an accessible and supportive manner.
- The interactive nature of the card game and job descriptions was effective in clarifying workplace expectations and fostering team collaboration. Participants noted that this resource could significantly benefit their beneficiaries, who can practice essential workplace skills in a simplified but also playful way.
- The Toolkit’s overall design supports job training through simulation exercises and clear role descriptions. They found these tools adaptable and allowing social workers to better prepare individuals for specific job environments.